Saturday, February 17, 2007

My post of August 16, 2006 titled, "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government" is being updated as of this date. We have now moved from "complacency" to
"apathy" along the time sequence set forth by the author of this article.

There are individuals who have a passionate agenda about how others should act and behave.
Then there are those who have little regard about how they treat people or how their actions might hurt others. The actions of people like this have changed the landscape of America these past 25 years. Because this behavior is being accepted into ours lives it is moving us further along the path of destroying our democracy and way of life.

We have politicians accepting bribes, a government who won't protect our borders, individuals afraid to speak out because of being politically incorrect, spending by politicians for the sole purpose of buying votes, and voters voting for politicians who they think will give them something for nothing. And on the other side of this equation is a large group of apathetic people, of voting age, who don't care and don't vote.

We are just two phases away from the final chapter of Tytler's prediction, "dependence" and then "dictatorship". As we get later in the cycle the time between phases shortens. This train to our demise is gathering steam and looks like it cannot be stopped.

What a shame. What a great country we had.


TorreyDawn said...
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TorreyDawn said...

Mr. Snider...
I am a friend of Jay's, a friend to whom he forwards all of your brilliant emails, might I add.

However, I find that there is one huge flaw within this blog - that being that "dependence" began shortly after WWII - that period during which our government decided to retain the welfare system as a means of supporting life, not as a means of providing momentary support.
"Dependence" gained inertia during the 60’s with the Women’s Lib Movement – a movement designed to take control of the household out of the hands of married Christians and place it smack down in the empty bra-shells of girls who wanted to destroy the very fabric of the family unit. How can a man still be the head of his household if the woman can earn just as much? There was instability in the economy and in the home.
“Dependence” was sealed into the make-up of this society when those women who had previously insisted that they could be independent of men decided that they wanted to negate the principles that make us sovereign – to abandon responsibility for their actions. And the judicial system backed those women with Roe v Wade.
Without being forced to take responsibility for your actions, given the independence to do so, and with a system in place that rewards sloth, “dependence” has been sewn firmly into the new-age American tapestry.
As for the last step in Tytler's prediction, “Dictatorship” – well, watch closely, Pelosi and Reid are working hard on that one!