Monday, December 22, 2008

I feel it is time to update Tytler's prediction regarding the life cycles of Democracies. The election on November 4, 2008 shows voters continuing to move toward politicians who promise to give them the most benefits, benefits which lead down the road to bankruptcy. Our country is virtually
bankrupt. At this time, the worst in our financial history, the United States is a nation of citizens who depend on the government for things that should be their own responsibility. We are now in the next to last phase of Tytler's predictions, DEPENDENCY! We are becoming a nation of citizens who cannot or will not function on their own. How many more years before this once great country collapses? What a shame. This is not what our founding fathers had in mind.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I thrust my finger to the wind
To test how things were going
I found a ship that's rudderless
Only half the crew is rowing

Storm clouds starboard, rocks to port
Few leaders to be found
Our ship of state is on a course
To surely run aground

A once mighty ship none dare attack
Now flounders on the sea
A bridge filled with clueless leaders
Forecasts gloom and misery

Without a captain at the helm
Who understands the seas
Small chance there is to stay afloat
Fending off our enemies

Times past we've had great captains
With resolve both firm and strong
Who kept us safe upon our ship
Where have those captains gone

The leaders who now lead us
Have not the slightest clue
As how to right our mighty ship
What can the masses do

A bloodless revolution
Just might do the trick
Let's cleanse our seas of ner-do-wells
Let's make our country tick

The only revolution
Where no blood is spilled
Is at the polling site
Where a ballot box is filled

We need to gain a foothold
There is scant time to ponder
If skillful leaders are not elected
Only darkness greets us yonder

Time is not our friend these days
The ship is sinking fast
Throw out the scurvy at the helm
With a vote only you can cast

When leaders will not lead us
People must assume the role
To throw out the incompetents
And make our country whole

Now's the chance to right our ship
The vision is quite clear
Remove those blocking self sufficiency
Cast them out within this year

October 22, 2008