Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Whatever happened to term limits for politicians? I just heard (12/20/2006) that the 2008 presidential race will cost over a billion dollars for the first time. We all know what "cost" means when it comes to elections. Television, radio and newspaper adds.

What's so important about getting elected that would-be politicians and their sponsors will spend this kind of money? Is it because there is a burning desire by these individuals to foster a better America? Doubtful, when someone or some group shells out that amount of dough they are looking for a return on their investment. And that investment return is your money, my money and all of us who pay taxes. Can this faulty practice be corrected?

You bet. One term for elected officials. Sounds draconian, but our system is failing, and if we don't change soon we won't be able to enjoy our way of life much longer. We are spending our way into oblivion. If elected for one term only, once in office, politicians could not campaign for re-election. Without campaigning, politicians won't be buying votes for the next election. Pork barrel spending should be substantially reduced with huge savings to taxpayers. This won't stop politicians from trying to pay back those who were instrumental in getting them elected, but with only one term there should be enough politicians who will put country before self worth.

Most federal politicians have law degrees. We need a much greater representation from the general populace. Ideas from one group, i.e. lawyers, does not lend itself to practical, constructive legislation. A one term mandate would give incentives to a much more diverse group of citizens to run for office. Individuals will look at running for office as a privilege to serve their country, not a long term job opportunity. Once elected, this diverse group of individuals would enact practical, everyday common sense laws learned from life experience outside the legal community. After serving their country, gaining fame and recognition, these one term heroes could retire from politics, return home, and continue with a productive, meaningful life.

It would be nice to have this current group of privileged legislators replaced with the everyday common man. Only you, with your votes, can elicit change.